Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

Ontario Security Training is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. This Privacy Statement sets forth the online data collection and usage policies and practices that apply to the Ontario Security Training Inc. and Ontario Security Training Networking Web sites and does not apply to information we collect in any other fashion. The handling of all personal information by Ontario Security Training has been approved by the legal department and has been subjected to all applicable laws.

We are committed to protecting your privacy whether you’re browsing for information or conducting business with Ontario Security Training Inc. electronically.

Ontario Security Training also ensures that to the best of our ability, the information that you provide is received only by the intended viewer. The intended viewers will only be prospecting employers who are looking to recruit employees and or manage there the information within the field of loss prevention and armed services.

When you visit the Ontario Security Training Inc., we will not collect your personal information unless you choose to use submit the information to allow employers to view your application and testing. Your information will only be used by online merchants after you have agreed to enter a purchase and sale agreement for the products and services that require it. For transactions with Ontario Security Training Inc. involving credit cards, data systems use up-to-date security protocols to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of information and systems.

You Have Choice

If you choose not to use the Internet to provide personal information to Ontario Security Training, you can contact us by our mailing address listed in contact or agency telephone, fax, mail, kiosk or in person. (Not all options may be available in every situation.)


Ontario Security Training Web site uses cookies. Cookies are generally used to make it more convenient for users to move around our Web sites. If you choose, they may be used to 'remember' your password and make it easier and faster to log-in to certain sites. These types of cookies need to be stored on your computer's hard drive.

Collection and Use of Information by Ontario Security Training

In some areas of Ontario Security Training Inc. we request or may request that you provide personal information, including your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number credit card number, social security number, contact information, billing information and any other information from which your identity is discernible. In other areas, we collect or may collect demographic information that is not unique to you such as your postal/zip code, age, preferences, gender, interests and favorites. Sometimes we collect or may collect a combination of the two types of information. Examples of areas on the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites where we collect personal or combined personal and demographic data are pages where you can open an Ontario Security Training Inc. account, create an Ontario Security Training Inc. user profile or account, sign up to use a service, post a resume or profile, enter a contest or purchase a product.

We also gather or may gather certain information about your use of Ontario Security Training Inc. and Ontario Security Training Inc. User profiling, such as what areas you visit and what services you access. Moreover, there is information about your computer hardware and software that is or may be collected by us. This information can include without limitation your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring Web site addresses, but is not linked to your personal information.

We may sometimes afford you the opportunity to provide descriptive, cultural, behavioral and preferential and/or life style information about yourself, but it is solely up to you whether you furnish such information. If you do provide such information, you are thereby consenting to the use of that information in accordance with the policies and practices described in this Privacy Statement. For example, such information may be used for the purpose of determining your potential interest in receiving e-mail or other communications about particular products or services.
If you choose to use our referral service to tell a friend about the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites or refer a job posting to a friend, we will ask you for your friend's name and email address. We will automatically send your friend a one-time email inviting him or her to visit the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites or view the job posting. We do not store this information.

Our Use of Your Information

We use the information we gather on Ontario Security Training Inc. or Ontario Security Training Inc. Networks (like Ontario Police Training networks), whether personal, demographic, collective or technical, for the purpose of operating and improving the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites, fostering a positive user experience, and delivering the products and services that we offer.
If you have provided consent for us to do so, we may also use the information we gather to inform you of other products or services available from us or our affiliated companies.

We may use your contact information in order to send you e-mails or other communications regarding updates at the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites, to contact you about your opinion of current products and services or potential new products and services that may be offered. We may also provide additional communications, promotions and information on new Ontario Security Training Inc. opportunities and additional job postings which may be of interest to you. The nature and frequency of these messages will vary depending upon the information we have about you.

In addition, you may receive free informational digital catalogues that may be of special interest to you, such as career direction counseling.

We have areas on the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites where you can submit feedback. Any feedback you submit in these areas becomes our property, and we can use such feedback (such as success stories) for marketing purposes or to contact you for further information.

Choices Regarding the Disclosure of Personal Information to Others

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties who are not registered by a Ministry, or your combined personal and demographic information or information about your use of Ontario Security Training Inc. or Ontario Security Training Inc. User profile (such as the areas you visit or the services you access), except as set forth below. This information is only disclosed to business entities that have been or are currently registered by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.

1. We disclose information to third parties if you consent to such disclosure such as the Ministry of defense, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and any business entity that may be registered by a Ministry. For example, if you indicate that you would like to receive information about the opportunities, products or services of third parties at the time you register for a Ontario Security Training Inc. account, we supply your contact information to third parties such as employers, recruiters, or others for the purpose of sending you e-mail or otherwise communicating with you. We use data we have about you (such as the interests and preferences you have expressed) to determine whether you might be interested in the opportunities, products or services of a particular third-party.

2. We disclose information to companies and individuals we employ to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include hosting our Web servers, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, anti virus providers, and providing customer service. These companies and individuals will have access to your personal information as necessary to perform their functions, but they may not share that information with any other third party.

3. We disclose information if legally required to do so, if requested to do so by a governmental entity or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to:

(a) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process;
(b) protect our rights or property or our affiliated companies;
(c) prevent a crime or protect national security; or
(d) protect the personal safety of users or the public.

4. We disclose and transfer information to a third party who acquires all or a substantial portion of our business, whether such acquisition is by way of merger, consolidation or purchase of all or a substantial portion of our assets. In addition, in the event we become the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding, whether voluntary or involuntary, we or our trustee in bankruptcy may sell, license or otherwise dispose of such information in a transaction approved by the bankruptcy court. You will be notified of sale of all or a substantial portion of our business to a third party via email or through a prominent notice posted on the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites.

If you have an Ontario Security Training Inc. profile, other users or members of Ontario Security Training Inc. Networks may access your profile only if they have the authorized level of access. Other individuals will not have access to your contact information and your contact information is not displayed in any Ontario Security Training Inc. Networking profile.

Other Uses of Information

We also share aggregated anonymous information about visitors to Ontario Security Training Inc. or Ontario Security Training Inc. Networks (for example, the number of visitors to Ontario Security Training Inc.'s Diversity & Inclusion area) with its clients, partners and other third parties so that they can understand the kinds of visitors to the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites and how those visitors use the Ontario Security Training Inc. Sites. We may also aggregate on an anonymous basis data regarding job qualifications, education, age, experience level or other information relevant to the job search. Such data may be made available to employers. We supply technology, hosting and related services to other leading companies to power recruitment areas on their Web sites (sometimes referred to as "Hosted training and recruitment Sites"). Personal and/or demographic information supplied by you in Hosted training and recruiting Sites becomes part of the Ontario Security Training Inc. database, but it is not accessible by anyone other than you, Ontario Security Training Inc. and the company concerned without your consent. If you attempt to register with Ontario Security Training Inc. after registering with a Hosted training and recruiting Site, Ontario Security Training Inc. will recognize your information and you will be able to use the information you provided to the Hosted training recruiting Site in your Ontario Security Training Inc. account registration.

Information gathered on a page in a Hosted training and recruiting Site or on a co-branded page (such as that of a contest co-sponsored by Ontario Security Training Inc. and another company), may become the property of the other company or of both us and the other company. In that instance, the use of such information by the other company will be subject to the privacy policy of that company. We are not responsible for that company's use of your personal or demographic information.

If you apply for a position on Ontario Security Training Inc. or through a Hosted training recruiting sites, you may be asked to provide information on your gender, race or other protected status where permitted by applicable law. Some employers are required by law to gather this information from job applicants for reporting and record-keeping requirements. You should understand that if provided, this information will be used by employers only in accordance with applicable laws and will not be used in making any negative employment decisions. All information provided will be kept separate from your expression of interest in any job opportunity. Providing this information is strictly voluntary and you will not be subject to any adverse action or treatment if you choose not to provide this information.